
If you are wanting to take donation payments or even pay what you want offers then this widget is for you.

Navigate to the donation widget and place on any page you like.


Unlike the normal store products and checkouts the donation widget works and is set up slightly differently. let's take a look in the main settings and set up to get your donations widget working.

Payment gateway: To collect payments we offer two payment gateways your can use: Stripe and Braintree. Both are similar in design to set up. Simply add your Stripe/braintree api keys and it will connect automatically.

The next step after adding your preferred payment system is to chose whether you want to set an allocated amount or even set it so the person making the donation can input their own donation value.

Note: Store donations are not added to the store analytics dashboard

Select the currency you wish to display and take payment in and you are almost done!

Next up is to add the customer to your email marketing lists 'this is optional' so when a customer makes a donation do you want to add them to a specific email list.

Thank you page: After the customer makes a donation where do you want to send them? You can either show a simple thank you note or direct them to a specific page within your website or even an external URL.

Last updated