
Announcement & updates

Keep up to date with our planned updates, recent additions all in one place.

In Progress

  • Store Upgrades

  • Shopify Order Integration

  • Event tracking

  • Store Affiliate

  • New Sliders

  • Store Fulfilment

  • Pabbly

  • Chatbot

  • Website chat

  • Communities


January 2023

  • Updated icon set to the newest version of FontAwesome

  • Abandoned Cart Automation. Read more in the link below.

Abandoned Cart Automation

November 2022

  • E-Commerce - introduced an Order Update endpoint to the Website API

  • E-Commerce - introduced an option to notify store owners if a product inventory falls below a given threshold 'Navigate to store settings > General'

  • Improved 3D Secure transaction handling when Braintree is used as payment processor

  • E-Commerce - orders can be archived in bulk from the orders view now

  • Estonian language is now available as website language

  • Website API - introduced new endpoint for searching for registered website members by their email

  • Added a new module within Make: Get member by email

  • New improved support docs with a 300% larger display

September 2022

  • All plans now have unlimited members.

  • Email marketing - added the ability to unsubscribe contacts in bulk

June 2022

May 2022

  • Unlimited booking services added to all plans

  • 80+ New Templates and Page designs

  • Subscription/recurring revenue widget added to business plan

  • Agency plans now public - 30/50/unlimited funnel plans

  • Manychat application 'Create new contact action' fix

April 2022


  • Tracking UTM parameters for orders - where the order came from

  • Tracking UTM parameters for contacts - where the contact came from

Improved Store Dashboard experience

  • Statistics

  • Sales overview - showing summary of sales, with filtering by period or property, grouped by day/month/year

  • Sales overview - ability to create UTM tracking links

  • Subscriptions overview - showing summary of subscriptions, with filtering by period or property, grouped by day/month/year

  • Upsells/Downsells/Bumps overview - showing summary of upsells, downsells, bumps, with filtering by period or property, grouped by day/month/year

  • Top performers - showing summary of top performing products, users, or traffic sources (utm source, campaign, medium, content, term)

  • UTM Tracking Link Generator - the ability to build sales tracking links

  • New Subscriptions section to view and manage all subscriptions in your store as well as statistics such as churn and subscription products.

Products & Orders

  • Improved orders view experience

  • Orders can be filtered now by any contact / order property, UTM parameter, period, funnel, etc

  • Orders can be archived

  • Order export can be filtered by any contact / order property, UTM parameter, period, funnel, etc

  • Orders can be edited - order items can be modified, removed, new items can be added. Order properties / customer details can be changed

  • Manual fulfillment - orders can be manually fulfilled, customers can be sent a tracking number for their order

  • Improved Products experience

  • Improved Product Categories experience

  • Product Categories can be sorted now

  • Improved Store Product editing experience - product description can be simple text now, instead of a Drag & Drop area

  • Store Products can add tags to customers that purchase them

  • Improved Layout & Styling experience

  • Product Import - you can now import products from a CSV file


  • Improved Funnel Steps experience

  • Stats can be filtered by custom periods

  • Improved Visitor stats

  • Improved Sales stats - adding sales overview, subscriptions, upsells / downsells

  • Improved the funnel orders view - clicking an order shows it in a popup now

  • Improved the product view

  • New Top Performers stats listing top customers / top sources

  • Added floating cart option when you have 'add to cart' functionality in funnels


  • Checkout Widget - improved layout and styling options, introduced 3-step checkouts, multi-select for products.

  • Store Widget - improved layout and styling options

  • System Pages/Store Catalog - improved layout and styling options

  • Scarcity - store widgets can show how many items are left in stock (Only 3 left in stock!)


  • You can now set a usage limit to each discount code


  • Added new design for Quick Cart view in full height

March 2022

  • 8-digit BINs - Update credit card insert fields platform wise

September 2021

  • Pre-fill checkout fields with URL parameter

  • Show visible hyperlinks in email builder

  • Manychat Integration

August 2021

  • Booking Appointment Cancellation Notice update

  • Multi Step Form

July 2021

  • Quizzes

  • Email Marketing and Automations

April 2021

  • Integrate Facebook Conversion API for ecommerce

February 2021

  • Define global css variables for global colours

January 2021

  • Integrately Integration

  • The Ability to "Share a Website" as you can do with funnels

December 2020

  • Implement subscript and superscript

  • Add underline and strikethrough options to text editor

  • Add current year as system property for footers

November 2020

  • Single Sign On through the API

  • Right to Left (RTL), Left to Right (LTR) Adjustment

  • Predefined Checkouts - ability to change the product quantity

October 2020

  • Progress Bar Widget

  • Captions and title for images

  • Countdown widget - enable labels for Days / Hours / Minutes / Seconds

  • Undo / Redo in the drag & drop builder

  • Accordion widget

September 2020

  • Variant-specific product images

August 2020

  • Facebook Shop

  • Integrate Mollie as payment service provider

June 2020

  • Create rows or sections within a block

  • Block blocks or widgets from appearing for a certain time limit

May 2020

  • Booking & Appointments features & improvements

  • Display tax in the order email when tax is included in the product price (currently displayed only when tax is not included)

  • New Order Email Notification with Invoice Number in the subject line

  • Import contacts & website members

April 2020

  • Booking - ability to select google calendar to add events to & to check for conflicts

  • Booking / Calendar / Appointments

  • Fundraising / donation widget

  • Gradients for container backgrounds, columns, overlays and buttons

  • Updated Funnel Template Building

March 2020

  • Improvements on the SSL certificate provisioning

  • Search in the Google Fonts picker

  • Ability to upload custom fonts

  • Customize 404 Error "Page Not Found" Page Layout

  • Support for URL redirects

  • Add TypeScript to coding language formatting in code widget

  • Ability to add "I have read & agree to terms and conditions" checkbox on the store checkout page

  • Editing All System Pages

February 2020

  • Copy blocks and widgets between websites and funnels

  • Make it possible to accept "Term and Conditions" in checkout

January 2020

  • Support for Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce

  • Reverse Column Order (On Mobile/Tablet)

  • Shape Dividers

  • CCPA Data Controls

  • Global "Logout" button

December 2019

  • Ability to add tags to contacts from forms and checkouts

  • Active Campaign Tags Integration

  • AWeber integration

  • Moosend integration

  • Mailerlite Integration

November 2019

  • Webhooks for receiving events from websites

  • Public REST API

September 2019

  • 3D Secure 2 (3DS2) and SCA ready

  • Twispay payment processor integration

  • Ability to add second line of text to the buttons

  • "icon" buttons

  • Klarna intergration

  • Global Content (global widgets, similar to the way the footer works)

August 2019

  • Monthly subscription options in the store.

  • One click upsells and downsells in the funnels

July 2019

  • Add as a payment gateway

  • Allow attribute rel=nofollow for Buttons, external Menu-Links and Links.

  • Add Product Options (Colour, Size, Qty, Etc) On Funnel Checkout Widget

  • Share funnels or pages feature

  • Sort names of files and images uploaded by last added, alphabetically, or search bar

  • Select multiple images when uploading to a shop items page

June 2019

  • Search field in the Members section

  • Separation of Websites and Funnels + Multiple Sites in Growth+ and Pro Plans

April 2019

January 2019

  • Sales Funnels builder

December 2018

  • Page Duplication

  • More popups and categorisation

October 2018

  • Search Widget for Header Section

September 2018

  • Funnel Building Section

Last updated